
Dear Trans4mers and Friends of Trans4m !

Today, on the occasion of Autumn Equinox and International Peace Day, it is our pleasure to present you with Trans4m’s first “Four Seasons Newsletter”, officially announced on Trans4m's 10th birthday on 21st June of this year. We have chosen the four “transitional and transformative” dates of nature’s annual cycle of life, as one season gives way to the following one, to share with you the most important news of Trans4m – our “local global movement for the integral renewal of people and planet”.

Enjoy “Seasonal Highlights” and “New Trans4m Videos” – altogether providing you with a short update on the latest development of our collective work around the world.

As a teaser for our next newsletter: we have just celebrated the first Integral Peace Festival at Trans4m’s main seat in Hotonnes, France – an exciting inaugural festival interweaving nature, culture, science and transformative practices to foster peace – within ourselves and on the planet. Soon more...

Please share your own reflections and transformative thoughts with us upon engaging with our first 4 Seasons Newsletter – and, of course, please feel free to share this newsletter with your own friends and colleagues.

With kindest wishes and TRANS4Mative greetings !

Alexander Schieffer & Ronnie Lessem

Trans4m Founders - Alexander Schieffer & Ronnie Lessem


PhD Induction in Harare: International Group is joining Trans4m-Da Vinci Program
A new group of eight, highly driven international change agents has enrolled in the Trans4m Da Vinci Phd Program and met in Harare, Zimbabwe for a four day induction into the PhD program and process. This program also showcases a further evolution of our Phd Program towards a PHD “Process for Holistic Development”

Trans4m Fellows Jean Parker, Anselm Adodo and Andrew Nyambayo graduate in Johannesburg
Father Anselm Adodo from Nigeria, Andrew Nyambayo from Zimbabwe and Jean Parker from India/USA, receive their PhD certificates in a moving ceremony at Da Vinci University in South Africa … and are promoted to Trans4m Senior Fellows.

Swiss Launch of Integral Green Slovenia Book at TIGE Conference
Integral Green Slovenia - the latest book in our Integral Green Society and Economy Series - was successfully launched at the Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy Conference at Caux, Switzerland.

Two more Booklaunches: Trans4m presents The Integrators and V.R. Purnatva at TIGE Trust and Integrity for a Global Economy Conference in Switzerland
Trans4m's Ronnie Lessem presented his latest book "The Integrators" at the TIGE Conference in Caux Switzerland, as well as VR Purnatva - An Integral Approach to Education - a book by Trans4m Junior Fellow Silvan Büchler and S.P.J. Sadhana School's Vice Principal Dr. Radhike Khanna from Mumbai.

TRANS4M Launches YouTube Channel
Trans4m announces the launch of its own YouTube Channel. We are particularly proud to inaugurate our channel with an inspiring lead video of Trans4m Junior Fellow Maxime Bertocchi illustrating the transformative potential of Trans4m's approach to education - this video is being presented for the first time to a larger audience.

Integral Project Management (IPM) Manual launched at Heliopolis University in Egypt

Integral Business Strategies in Turbulent Times – A Workshop by Pundutso and Trans4m in Harare

MedLabs Jordan advances on its Way to become an Integral Enterprise

Booklaunch! The Book Featuring the Integral Education Model of Sadhana School, co-authored by Trans4m Junior Fellow Silvan Büchler and Sadhana’s Vice Principal Dr. Radhike Khanna successfully launched in Mumbai

Video Interviews released with Trans4m’s Lessem and Schieffer on Research and Education in Africa

Vimochana and Trans4m discuss Potential of Integral University for India

Trans4m & CORO India Explore New Center for Grassroots Leadership

Trans4m Fellow Andrew Nyambayo from Econet introduces Integral Marketing Model to Zimbabwe, and passes PhD

Jean Parker introduces Integral Community Based Learning for Emergency Preparedness to India, and passes PhD

Father Anselm Adodo introduces Communitalism to Nigeria, and passes PhD

CISER Summit in Nigeria

Trans4m meets University of Ibadan, Nigeria’s Premier University

Amadeus Stickl contributes to Integral Community Development in Nigeria

Trans4m Junior Fellow Anne Sophie Koehn arrives at Sinal do Vale, Brazil


Geneva, Switzerland · Hotonnes, France

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