Released: Video of Trans4m’s Talk at Geneva Peace Week on Re-Story-ing Peace

14 December 2018: This short video illustrates how Trans4m’s transformative processes contribute to restoring and re-story-ing societies in conflict and post conflict.

The talk took place as part of the Geneva Peace Week, and was embedded in a panel on Re-story-ing Peace hosted by the Conflict and Human Rights Initiative, Geneva and the Enacting Global Transformation Initiative, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford.

While a detailed reflection of the workshop during which this talk has been given has already been shared in November, the recorded talk (including the subsequent interaction with the audience) demonstrates more fully the impact of the transformative potential of some of the PhD journeys within the Trans4m Da Vinci PhD Program. Particular focus is given to the contribution of these cases to collective healing and to building more peaceful and healthy societies. In each case a cultural symbol that epitomizes the restorative spirit and impact is shared.

In his talk, Trans4m’s co-founder Alexander Schieffer highlights the journeys of:

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