Dear Trans4mers, Friends and Colleagues of Trans4m !
It is World Peace Day, today!
One may say, talking about World Peace is a farce, given that the state of the world seems to become ever more violent. But then, as history has taught us, those times which pushed humanity to the brink of dramatic crises, were also the times when the shift to higher possibilities became a real option. It is in this spirit that our Trans4m community is engaging with World Peace Day. We summon our strengths in order to live up to our highest transformative potential. We focus on our ability to engage meaningfully with the challenges at hand, locally and globally – playing our part in supporting humanity in its struggle towards healing and wholeness. As we share with you some of “our” highlights of the third quarter of this eventful year, you will see that our Integral Africa Impact Roundtable led to much deeper alignment of the African transformation agents and their respective local centers – from Zimbabwe to Nigeria, from South Africa to Egypt – jointly committed to make an “Integral Africa” a reality. You will also notice that our network of centers and fellows has grown – each one driving a significant local transformation impulse. Within our global Trans4m movement we engage, ever more strongly, with transformative education – from Africa to Sri Lanka, from Europe to the Middle East. In the coming final quarter of this year we shall demonstrate further achievements in this field. For now, we can already share the following: Trans4m is proud to be participating in a new Masters Program on Transformation Management in Africa, spearheaded by Trans4m Senior Fellow Dr Father Anselm Adodo, Pax Herbals Enterprise, OFIRDI Center, and Nigeria’s Ibadan University. Then, in November we will have our first Integral Education Roundtable in Jordan, in cooperation with two of Jordan’s most innovative schools. Trans4m Fellow Laila Abdul Majeed and Trans4m Wisdom Council Member H.E. Haifa Najjar are masterminding this roundtable, together with Trans4m. And in Sri Lanka, we intensify our cooperation with the Sarvodaya movement in building an Integral University to drive societal change. Next week, we are geared for the induction of the 6th cohort of our PhD Program on Integral Development – with ten participants from five continents. As a novelty, and for the first time ever for us, three of the participants will only join the parallel PHD (Process for Holistic Development) process – which focusses not primarily on academic achievements (PhD), but on the practical realization of transformative impact on the local grounds of the respective participants (PHD). For today, enjoy the news and may the conjunction of World Peace Day and Equinox help us together to move, ever more, into our full individual and collaborative transformative potential. As always, please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues. With kindest wishes and TRANS4Mative greetings ! Alexander & Ronnie SEASONAL HIGHLIGHTS
Integral CARE-4-AFRICA Impact Roundtable took place in South Africa 25 agents of transformation from the African Trans4m Community came together in Johannesburg for a two-days Integral Africa Roundtable to strengthen their collective engagement in co-creating an Integral Africa. Integral Zimbabwe – Africa’s Phoenix Rising: Pundutso and the Providence Way As the American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once famously stated: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Medlabs in Jordan: Activating the Integral Enterprise through CARE Circles Trans4m worked for two days with the Executive Team of MedLabs, the largest provider of Medical Laboratories across the Middle East, covering Jordan, Palestine, Kurdistan, Iraq and Sudan. The workshop in Amman focused on advancing the company’s journey to become an Integral Enterprise. MORE HIGHLIGHTS...
Jean Parker wins Natalie Du Toit Award for her work on Integral Community Based Learning for Emergency Preparedness
Father Anselm Adodo receives prestigious Da Vinci Community Services Award for his work on Integral Healing, via Integral Enterprise-in-Community PhD! Loshnee Naidoo graduates on Integral Empowerment of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence PhD! Jubril Adeojo graduates on Integral Banking, enabling Financial Inclusion for Marginalized Communities in Nigeria and Africa http://www.trans-4-m.com/online-christian-dating-site-reviews/ http://www.trans-4-m.com/thailand-dating-agency/ dating a petty girl Marlene de Beer from South Africa joins Trans4m’s Fellowship To change your subscription, click here.