Purpose = Catalysing Integral Transformation

Our Home:
A “Home for Humanity” – With Rural Roots and Global Reach

Trans4m’s main base is a “Home for Humanity” – an integral sanctuary, academy, laboratory and community space in the French countryside near Geneva. Since the beginning we also have a strong presence in Geneva itself, where the original Trans4m premises have been. It is for this reason that Trans4m reflects its local-global and rural-urban orientation also in the parallel choice for Hotonnes, France, and Geneva, Switzerland.

For all us members of the Trans4m movement, co-creating Integral Worlds is not primarily about theory … though we are deeply committed to developing a new integral knowledge base as a theoretical and philosophical foundation for the necessary shift in paradigm.

Of primary importance is the actualisation of new integral realities – each one of us in our particular local contexts, societies and cultures – thereby transcending the burning issues humanity is facing towards positive, wholesome futures.

It is in this spirit, that Trans4m’s originating center is hosted in a place that is seeking to practically embody all “Integral Worlds”. Called “Home for Humanity”, Trans4m’s main base in the French Jura Mountains near Geneva, is at the same time:

  • Community-in-Nature Home: … where relationships to self, others and nature can be restored, and where the interdependent fabric of our community is continuously expanded and strengthened
  • Earth Sanctuary: … where the soul of a person feels nourished and where the cultures of our world are equally represented, side by side
  • Innovation Academy: … where reflection, knowledge creation and action learning is taking place and where new ideas are developed into concepts and processes
  • Transformation Laboratory: … where new integral practice can be piloted and strengthened, together with our local and global community

This “integral campus” serves as the home base for all members of our movement – and elements (such as modules, workshops etc.) of many of our programs happen here.

The vision to create a “Home for Humanity” serving as a home base for Trans4m and its sister organisation “Theatre of Transformation”, has been grown out of the rising importance of transformative spaces to serve as “living examples” for an integral future and as “safe havens” to practice new ways of being, becoming, thinking and doing.

Many integral activities are taking place in our Home for Humanity, among them the annual Integral Peace Festival.

First Integral Peace Festival in September 2016
First Integral Peace Festival in September 2016


Welcome to our "integral" Home 4 Humanity
Welcome to our “integral” Home for Humanity