Transformative Education and Society Building: Integral Keynote at Sarvodaya’s Headquarters, Sri Lanka
14 February 2020: Hosted by Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, TRANS4M provided a keynote on the Integral Worlds approach and its relevance for Sarvodaya
More14 February 2020: Hosted by Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, TRANS4M provided a keynote on the Integral Worlds approach and its relevance for Sarvodaya
TRANS4M’s Alexander Schieffer was invited to share with key staff members of the Sarvodaya Headquarters in Moratuwa near Colombo the essentials of the Integral Worlds approach, its global applications and relevance for Sarvodaya, as well as for Sarovdaya’s educational division: Sarvodaya Institute for Higher Learning.
Prior to the keynote, Schieffer reconnected with key staff members and received updates on the latest service innovations Sarvodaya has brought forth. This information was vital to demonstrate, through the keynote, how Sarvodaya’s recent development, as well as latest strategic evolution towards “Sarvodaya One”, profoundly resonates with the integral development work and approach that TRANS4M has developed over the past 14 years.
The audience was extremely participative, enthusiastic and engaged – and it was moving to see Sarvodaya’s founder Dr A.T. Ariyaratne and his wife and close collaborator over five decades, Neetha Ariyaratne, present for the talk.
Subsequent meetings with Sarvodaya President Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne as well as with Udesh Fernando, Director of Sarvodaya Institute for Higher Learning, lead to the deepening of the partnership and collaboration between TRANS4M and Sarvodaya – in particular in relation to developing the “transformative education” agenda for Sarvodaya Institute for Higher Learning. As an immediate step, Sarvodaya announced its active participation in the forthcoming educational project on “Reshaping International Development”, framed in a university course at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and run by Trans4m.
Stay tuned!
13 February 2020: TRANS4M was invited to share its Perspectives on Integral Finance with the Board of Sarvodaya Development Finance
TRANS4M’s Alexander Schieffer was invited by Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya, Channa da Silva, Chairman of the Board of Sarvodaya Development Finance, to share with the Board innovative perspectives on Integral Finance and Banking from around the world. The Board was particularly interested to explore how modern financial instruments can serve the needs of poor and low-income people and at the same time address the needs of entire communities, rather than solely focussing on individuals.
TRANS4M shared examples from its own integral practice, in particular in Africa, on the need and potential for financial institutions to be resonant with the cultural and social context to which they cater; examples were emphasized on how to draw on local cultural wisdom for the evolution of financial services and product lines.
This input seem to come timely, as Sarvodaya Development Finance is actively seeking to strengthen the capacity of its portfolio towards community involvement and community uplifting – thereby building on the authentic heritage of Sarvodaya’s over 60 years of community-centered development work.
10 February 2020: Together with Auroville Musicians, TRANS4M & Theatre of Transformation presented the Home for Humanity Vision – combining Integral Knowledge, enacted Integral Case Stories and transformative Poetry.
Together with Aurovillian musicians from Auroville’s SVARAM, lead by its creative director Aurelio, TRANS4M’s Alexander Schieffer & Theatre of Transformation Academy’s Rama Mani invited for an Integral Dialogue Circle of poetry, performance and creative conversation. The event took place in the magnificent Bhumika Auditorium in the Sri Aurobindo Center for Studies, India and the World in Auroville’s Bharat Nivas.
The highly interactive event was an artistic exploration of a new integral paradigm, enabling “A World that is a Home for all Humanity”. The “Trans4mance” culminated in the sharing of the Humanity Charter, soliciting invaluable insights from the international audience.
9 February 2020: TRANS4M sharing its transformative educational approach with Auroville’s educational innovators
Initiated by Suryamayi Awine, Aurovillian and Founder of the Educational Platform “The Bridge”, and Dr. Irena Ateljevic, Foundress of Terra Meera in Croatia, a group of inspiring educational innovators from Auroville joined a workshop-conversation with TRANS4M’s Alexander Schieffer, and Theatre of Transformation Academy’s Rama Mani.
There was particular interest in TRANS4M’s integral and impact-driven research-to-innovation journeys, our transformative education programs and the Junior Fellowship – and a commitment to explore concrete collaboration.