July 2020

Integral Healing and Empowerment to Co-Create a Regenerative Future: An Introductory Seminar on the Home for Humanity Story
5 July 2020: This interactive seminar presented a transformative journey of how our homes can grow into the potential to heal and empower.
This panel was convened by the Dialogues en Humanité 2020 (Humanity Dialogues), in partnership with Home for Humanity, TRANS4M, Theatre of Transformation Academy, and with the Truth and Reconciliation Citizens Action Weekend.
Alexander Schieffer and Rama Mani shared their personal journeys that led to the creation of their Home for Humanity, followed by a dialogue among remarkable worldmakers present in this zoom-based seminar.
After opening the conference through inspirational poems out of the book “Hibiscus: Poems that Heal and Empower”, Alexander Schieffer and Rama Mani shared the story of how Home for Humanity grew, in the very Home for Humanity style. As such, Alexander Schieffer and Rama Mani shared their own story by associating their passion with the words: Unity, Earth, Culture, and Wisdom, and finally shared how their stories and dreams were combined.
Both declared that they have always felt great sorrow by expressions of inhumanity. Nature, for them, has come into their lives as a way of healing and empowerment. While having had all kinds of cultures present at the panel, Alexander Schieffer and Rama Mani explained how each culture has its own voice and every single one is needed to restore our humanity and to co-create a new planetary civilisation. Bringing all these cultures together, by hearing every voice and societal knowledge base, regenerative and inclusive solutions can be co-created.
After this introductory part, participants were invited to share each of their own homes. As a co-creating exercise, each worldmaker present was requested to answer several questions related to the keywords: Unity, Earth, Culture, and Wisdom, and how those aspirations can be translated in their lives and homes. By opening up the stage, an atmosphere of sharing and co-learning was created. Thus, “wisdom travelled” around the world and inspiring thoughts were spoken.
“Shakti Leadership” Author Nilima Bhat from India, participant in the seminar and co-convener of the Truth and Reconciliation Citizens Action Weekend, brought the essence of this rich and interactive experience to the point, by stating:
“I cannot boil the Ocean for change, but I can boil my cup of the Ocean. We can change the world, one home at a time. Starting with mine.”
Post written by Trans4m Junior Fellow Delia Gilgen, Switzerland

Integral Transformative Education for Worldmaking: Powerful Personal Accounts of Young Agents of Transformation
4 July 2020: The panel introduced five TRANS4M Junior Fellows engaged in co-creating a world that is a Home for Humanity.
All of the young leaders shared their own story and how transformative education provided them with their life’s purpose of becoming Agents of Transformation.
This short conference was convened by the Dialogues en Humanité Initiative (Humanity Dialogues) in partnership with Home for Humanity, TRANS4M, and Theatre of Transformation Academy. The panel was opened and moderated by Turkish visual anthropologist and renowned filmmaker Dr. Elif Tibet. She introduced Home for Humanity as a place of transformation, and more specifically, a space of transformative education. She further presented each of the five young worldmakers, who all studied integral development with Alexander Schieffer at Home for Humanity in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen and with TRANS4M. The five young agents of transformation present at the panel were:
- Maxime Bertocci, Switzerland
- Annia Costermani, Venezuela/Brazil
- Christophe Haesler, Switzerland/USA
- Stefanie Kriech, Switzerland
- Titus Palivan, Switzerland/Romania
Even though each single one of them has his or her own story and his or her personal way to engage in personal and societal transformation, they are all united with the common aim of co-creating a Home for Humanity.
By sharing how they found their life purpose through transformative education they described this teaching approach as groundbreaking. Especially noteworthy for them is the fact that this learning approach includes the human as being integral. As such, not only the mind counts, but also the heart, emotions, spirits, nature, and culture, making the student part of the ecosystem, allowing for personal development. The desire to find concrete solutions, the opportunity to work with real partners and pioneers all over the world, to create something that will be “alive” in the long term and that benefits individuals as well as organizations, inspired them to join TRANS4M as Junior Fellows. Finally, they all agreed when describing Home for Humanity as a safe place, where people come together, learn from each other, and which contributes to self-development by providing an atmosphere where one can work on themselves and open up.
After having heard from the emerging leaders the panel was opened up for the audience, where everyone was invited to share their own journey and to ask questions. Through this open discourse, where worldmakers shared their inspirational thoughts, the main message became crystal clear: There is a need in a shift of paradigm, which can only be achieved by creating a shared vision that puts the human and the development of human potential at the center.
Post written by Trans4m Junior Fellow Delia Gilgen, Switzerland

The Artistry of Integral Worldmaking: TRANS4M at the Humanity Rising Global Solutions Summit
3 July 2020: In a lively transcultural panel, TRANS4M, together with a number of its global co-creators, unveiled the “Home for Humanity Story” by emphasizing the power of homes as potential engines for societal renewal.
Convened by the Humanity Rising Global Solutions Summit, in partnership with TRANS4M, Theatre of Transformation Academy and Home for Humanity, this presentation across five continents began by unveiling the remarkable story of Home for Humanity.
The bottom line of the panel was captured by the slogan: “our homes hold power”. This idea got presented by pointing out the different levels of home, such as the personal, organizational, and planetary home, and their respective powers to drive paradigm shift.
Rama Mani and Alexander Schieffer opened the conference by introducing their inner driving force for building a Home for Humanity. Rama Mani shared her belief in justice and in the potential humans have to create a world with no space for inhumanity. And Alexander Schieffer shared his lifelong dream of co-creating a holistic campus, a shared space including all dimensions of life, going beyond the human mind – inclusive of spirituality, nature, art, culture, and more. Nurtured by these combined passions, the Home for Humanity got developed, at which not only diverse cultures find their place, but also where diverse transformative educational curricula – from Bachelor courses up to a PhD programme – are offered.
The panel continued by opening up the discourse to a set of remarkable “worldmakers” representing each continent, comprised of:
- H.E. Haifa Najjar, Senator, Superintendent of ASG/BSA Schools, Jordan
- Father Dr. Anselm Adodo, Founder, Pax Herbals, Nigeria
- Vinya Ariyaratne, President, Sarvodaya, Sri Lanka
- Maximilian Abouleish, Chief Sustainability Officer. Sekem, Egypt
- Annia Costermani & Katie Weintraub, Future Builders, Sinal, Brazil
These established and newly emerging inspiring leaders shared their visions of home and humanity; they outlined the essences of their projects and organisations, and expressed their passions and desires for our future. They described their homes as a safe place, a space that provides a rich learning environment, one that incorporates the spirit of earth and nature, a space to come together and to build a community, an environment that allows for the sharing of human stories, that enables experiments, that encourages joint processes to find solutions, and that is ready to include diverse cultures.
Altogether, the co-founders of Home for Humanity and the panel members, shared their joint intention to collaborate, across continents, to bring forth a new integral form of education that is relevant for the burning issues of our time.
Watch this space for further developments in the near future.
Post written by Trans4m Junior Fellow Delia Gilgen, Switzerland