I am a 25-year-old Swiss student at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland studying International Affairs. My passion for engaging with the needs of people and nature brought me to the University of St. Gallen in order to study the political, economic and legal framework of our world. I hoped for a better insight into the international power game and a more practical approach toward education. I realised that traditional teaching methods and contents are still predominant in the educational system in Switzerland. I was looking for a place or lectures where not only economic issues were valued but political, social, cultural and ecological issues receive the same attention. Therefore, I visited the integral development course taught by Alexander Schieffer and was truly inspired by its holistic perspective on human, organisational and societal development.
The Integral Worlds model gave me hope that there are alternative approaches to learn and to engage with. Finally, there was an approach that took various perspectives into account and that valued the manifold colours of our world equally. Through Trans4m then, I came into contact with one of its integral partner organisations: Sekem in Egypt. The initiative’s aim is to create an environment for sustainable human development where humans and nature live in balance. Therefore, I took the chance to spend half a year at this inspiring place to start my research-to-innovation journey.
Since 2016 I am a Trans4m Junior Fellow and departed on a wonderful journey to Egypt. Sekem is a partner organisation of the Trans4m community since many years. Trans4m consults and supports Sekem to evolve their approach towards integral development and social innovation with periodic workshops and visits.
I am the fourth Trans4m Junior Fellow that accompanied Sekem for 6 months and I have co-created an integral approach towards project management with Sekem’s Sustainable Development Department. This co-created approach has then led to my bachelor research-to-innovation thesis and will be further developed by the next Trans4m Junior Fellow that joins SEKEM on its journey.