The Centre for Integral Finance & Economics (CIFE) was founded as a community for collaborative creativity and integral development in Finance and to act as a catalyst for organisations that want to create effective and sustainable change and development from an integral perspective.
The mission of the Centre for Integral Finance & Economics (CIFE) is “to become a key catalyst for Integrative development and change within the Finance Industry and community”
The Centre for Integral Finance & Economics (CIFE) was founded in 2015 by Robert Dellner as the result of looking more deeply and integrally into some of the core issues in which the world and its communities are effected by the Finance industry and its operational paradigms. This is in addition combined with how technology is reshaping the current financial landscape with the introduction of FinTech and new ways to enable people everywhere in the world to become and have financial inclusion.
The Centre stand on four activation pillars, through which it takes INTEGRAL FINANCIAL CARE:
C = Community & Collective activation
A = Awakening & Activating consciousness
R = innovation driven Research & Rigorous institutionalisation
E = transformative Education & Enterprise
1. C = Community and Collective activation
The Centre for Integral Finance and Economics (CIFE) was established to act as focal point for integral thinkers within the financial community from the perspective of the current Western mode of operation with the aim and grounding to find solutions within finance where it’s the source, catalyst or contributor to the current problems in our local and global communities. CIFE was founded by Robert Dellner, focussing on focussing on Integral Development and Finance, and later joined and complimented by Mark Anielski, Dr Mike Lucas, Ian McDonald and Dr Brennan Jacoby from the areas of Economics, Accounting, Organizational Psychology and Philosophy. CIFE is driven and activated by the collective aim to understand how using an integral approach to our financial problems we can alleviate unnatural imbalances and correct some of the severe consequences that the financial system and industry is causing the world today.
2. A = Awakening Individual and Collective Consciousness
There can be little doubt that the Finance industry needs to make transformative changes that are less extractive, destructive and more inclusive. Working with the Trans4M Network but as a community on its own, CIFE is reaching out to work and collaborate with other organisations and people to build on the current understanding of our socio economic systems and the role and function that finance plays within it. Taking an integral perspective, CIFE looks to interject and add the Integral Worlds approach to create and awaken the need for improving the consciousness of the financial system and as result can build sustainable change and development that not only make better leaders and organisations but also reach into our extended communities and way of working in and with finance.
3. R = Innovation driven institutionalized Research and Development
CIFE is looking into key aspects of how and at what flex-points it can contribute insight for change in key areas. Integral Accounting is one which we believe is foundational for a better understanding as to how to balance the 4 worlds and what effect our strategy and actions has on each.
We have worked with organisations such as Sekem in developing an Integral coupon and return for their upcoming community share / bond. We are working with Lintel Capital to develop an integral investment management model and process that go beyond the usual return drivers and possible social impact to build real understanding in how investment decisions and outcomes affect the 4 worlds in which we all live.
Working with other Trans4M centres such as CISER Nigeria, we aim to collaborate on how to take integral finance approaches to help drive local community development.
4. E = Transformative Education: Global/Local Effect/Transformation of Enterprise
CIFE is determined to act in whatever form helps and assists others as a transformative catalyst towards an improved and balanced financial system, working on small or large issues and problems from a financial perspective. Having stared from a self-perspective we now aim to move this into our collective enterprise community through real practical engagement, active implementation and providing a solutions driven approach that combine our integral methodology from the perspective of the enterprise in question. This we feel, is an assured transformative way to ensure that the way we move forward from issues that have besieged finances of late and build better connectivity and management within finance for those people and organisations that are open for change.
Note March 2018: Inaugural Conference of CIFE in London