Inspired by my Palestinian roots I truly believe that education can build our resilience as individuals and as a society. According to Freire, education can become your path to freedom where you can actively transform your reality. But what kind of education do we need for us to transform?
After working for ten years in social development and child protection, I transitioned into a new professional career in education and I am now leading the “Al Hikma Project” at the Ahliyyah School for Girls (ASG) and the Bishop School for Boys (BSA) in Amman, Jordan.
The educational model of the ASG and BSA has evolved over many decades offering a strong holistic approach to education that transcends the traditional notion of a school. The ASG and BSA empower educators and students rationally, ethically, spiritually and communally to become transformers of society. The schools are grounded in their local context while being open to global perspectives creating the unique identity and spirit of the school. Graduates of the school carry the school spirit and become active agents of transformation in Jordan and beyond.
ASG and BSA are now at a critical evolutionary stage where they are both merging into one. Hence there is a great opportunity to grow into the most innovative and impactful Co-Educational school in Jordan and the Middle East. A unique model that is based on holistic education and practice, rooted in Jordan and open to the world.
Through my PhD with Trans4m and Da Vinci Institute, I am currently developing a research to innovation circle that we named the “Hikma Circle”. Al Hikma Circle is a four phased research to innovation cycle that is facilitated to continuously evolve the school’s holistic educational model in a way that addresses key issues in our society.
What is unique about this model is that members of the circle take real ownership of this process and voice their concerns and ideas freely. It is a process of co-learning and co-creation where all members are students and all members are teachers working together towards a shared goal.