23 October 2020: Naicker was awarded a PhD Degree, with an outstanding Research-to-Innovation focusing on African Women Leaders
Premie Naicker’s PhD was submitted under the full title of “INTEGRAL AFRICAN FEMININE LEADERSHIP: Designing a Holistic Framework for Individual and Enterprise Development”. She graduated within in the highly transformative Trans4m Da Vinci PhD Program.
Through her deeply engaging PhD journey, Premie not only went on a profound personal journey, but also fundamentally transformed her organization GREENSKILLS into an Integral Enterprise, serving as a role model and catalyst for a new understanding of African Leadership, that accentuates feminine values.
In Premie’s own words: “Built on our TRANS4M integral development framework of Humanism, Holism, Rationalism and Pragmatism my research-to-innovation journey was to understand and practically enhance how South African and African Feminine business leaders are developing themselves as well as their organisations for sustainability in the 21st Century which followed the Eastern Path of Renewal of the Integral Research framework and process. The narrative method provided a tool for my grounding and to find my Calling to propel me into the next phase of my journey.
Furthermore by discovering the imbalances and the untapped potential of so many like myself helped me to articulate and develop practical solutions based on understanding the historical context of feminism and apartheid, patriarchy and colonialism. The GENE rhythm lead me to build an amazing community-of-practice and support system both locally and globally to collaborate and co-create programmes to support African Feminine leaders through integral GreenSkills Enterprise-in-Community (iGEIC).
This process further served to practically bring together and activate the concepts developed in this research-to-innovation into a framework to release the Gene-i-us of the African Feminine Leader depicted by the mythical Sankofa bird as an African symbol of feminine renewal and leadership.
This journey contributed to the transformation of me as an African feminine business leader and to use the tools that I have gained further enhancing it through technology both online and offline to develop platforms to house the leadership programmes which assist and support women to activate their full leadership potential, through dialogue, collaboration, conscious awakening and co-creation to navigate their specific challenges and take the lead in realising inclusive transformative organisations.”
The entire global TRANS4M Community as well as the TRANS4MATIVE IMPACT TEAM (of which Premie is a member) congratulates Premie to this outstanding achievement!