Integral Africa Enterprise Roundtable in Johannesburg: Presenting Role-Models from Egypt, Jordan and Zimbabwe
21 September 2018: Under the title “Building the Integral African Enterprise – Sustainable Business-in-Community Success in and for Africa”, Trans4m, in partnership with AFLEAD and GreenSkills, offered a workshop in the premises of AFLEAD Africa.
At the heart of the workshop, attended by some 30 South African and international participants, was a set of internationally acclaimed cases of Integral Enterprises, with a particular focus on MedLabs in Jordan, Sekem in Egypt, and, as an emergent case, Providence Human Capital in Zimbabwe. In all three cases, senior representatives were present to share the integral design and functioning of their respective enterprises
MedLabs was represented by Hassib Sahyoun, CEO and Founder of Medlabs, together with Manar Nimer, VicePresident MedLabs and Trans4m Fellow, Zeina Sahyoun, Chief Marketing and Community Building Officer, and OD Manager and CARE-taker Reem Aqel. Sekem’s approach was introduced by Sekem’s Chief Sustainability Officer Maximilian Abouleish. And the emergent case of Providence Consulting from Zimbabwe was explained by a team of its senior executives, representing Providence Founder Chipo Ndudzo.
Trans4m Co-Founders Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer provided an overview of Integral Enterprise theory and practice, spanning both Trans4m Life and Trans4m Communiversity, and shared a large number of additional cases from within the Trans4m community, such as Pax Herbals from Nigeria (Pax Herbals), Domel in Slovenia, Virgin Money in the UK, and (the more recent and still emerging case of) Nostras in Switzerland.
The workshop became not only a highly productive co-learning event, but also served to galvanize momentum within the South African community to pursue higher levels of local cooperation and integral enterprise building. This was matched with the intention of Trans4m Fellows Premie Naicker of Greenskills Consulting and Emil Nothnagel of AFLEAD, both co-hosts of the event, to co-evolve GreenSkills into an Integral Enterprise and to host forthcoming conversations and cooperation among the South African community.
Furthermore, MedLabs CEO Hassib Sahyoun expressed the need to have such Integral Enterprise exchanges on a regular, ideally six monthly basis and invited participants to Jordan where MedLabs is now beginning to set up the MedLabs Academy, which also serves to evolve and disseminate the Integral Enterprise knowledge base.
Watch this Integral Enterprise Space. More to come soon!